Pencil drawing detail in which two figures and a dog stand at the edge of the breaking sea

An artist printmaker and poet, I am interested above all in the how of things — the process by which things come into being and how in turn they unbecome.  I work predominantly in linocut and wood engraving and am drawn by the sculptural aspects of the medium.  The act of carving a surface (and I see it as carving, not cutting) is an archaeology of sorts — a digging down to what lies beneath.  Rarely do I have a sense, beyond broad areas, as to where I am heading when I start digging, and more rarely still what marks I will make.  The marks suggest themselves and in turn suggest others and I would be lost were they already known.  It is the not knowing, and the problem of making, that drives a work forward, and it is at times a source of regret that the journey towards a print is erased by the print itself.  Only a trace remains.  As such, I am increasingly attracted to the idea of making the journey itself the focus of the work.  Story.